New position Back til news section New position 16. August 2019 I am very happy to announce that I have started as Associate Professor at the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Chromosome Stability. It is still at the University of Copenhagen, but a mindboggling 500m across the street from BRIC 🙂 For EaSeq, it is good news as it means that I am mandated to continue the development for the next five years or so. I will also be able to hold more frequent workshops and have more outreach activities. Workshops Upcoming maintenance Recent news Workshops New position Upcoming maintenance Congratulations to our users! Happy Birthday, EaSeq v1.04: PDF export and other plot improvements New features for beta testing ChIP-seq data analysis workshop on April 12 New tutorial videos Sessions files for our paper are available now EaSeq manuscript published Wanted Running EaSeq on a Mac or Linux machine Poster A paper worth of figures in 30 minutes? v. 0.97 is out What is cooking?